Confessions of an extraordinary Library Clerk. 351.3LIB L6975

Monday, December 31, 2007

2007 Rewind (Part Un)

My favorite Youtube video of the year. Salsa dancers, Reynaldo Ojeda and Claudia Lopez from Bogotá, Colombia.

Alma Salsera

Seriously, what are you doing with your life? Now do it on one leg.

Onto the 50 Most Loathsome People in America by some rather Beastly people...finally an end of year list I can agree with. Well, mostly, as I would have added a certain genocidal maniac to the list.

Biggest disappointment for the year. It was bound to happen sooner or later. My favorite 2008 Presidential candidate drops the ball big time a new campaign ad which panders to the worst reactionary elements on the Right (just days before the Iowa caucus). Et tu Dr. Paul? Por que? Now who the hell am I supposed to support? Guess I'll have to wait for the Green Party candidate...I'm sure we'll find sometime late in July 2008 at some budget motel conference room in Stockton.

My favorite local media moment(s) of the year. Captures the absolute vacuous nature of local television news. About ten seconds during a half-hour newscast is set aside for some local area soldier serving overseas to introduce him/herself and give the proverbial shout out to some back home. So, some Pvt. Guerrero introduces himself and sends his wishes to family (awww). The on-screen graphic below simply read "The Middle East". Wow. How hard would have been for the "professional journalists" at the network to find out where he was? I would have used "A Bad Place" myself.

Where could he have been?

My favorite book of 2007. Um..didn't read a new book in 2007.

My favorite record of 2007. Um...another shit year for new music...what the hell did I listen to all year? Favorite single--Bat For Lashes / What's a girl to do. Most overrated--JUSTICE--the sound of "new" French electro, I don't get it. After seeing JUSTICE live a few months back, I kept thinking, what on earth are these kids so excited about?! Chain smoking, giant crucifix proppin', French poseurs! Here...listen to the Chemical Bros. circa 1995. The Bros. have already worked it out.

My favorite films of the year. Given I only saw 4-5 new films on the big screen this year...Sean Penn's Into The Wild (based on Jon Krakauer's book) about Chris McCandless' journey across the country and his unfortunate death in Denali National Park, Alaska was memorable. Though the film did become a bit tedious toward the 2nd favorite, Control by Anton Corbijn about the life/death of Ian Curtis of Joy Division. Visually stunning, moody, wordy and some very good acting. Cheers!

My favorite politician of 2007. Who else, Mahmoud Ahamdinejad. The man has his own blog for Intelligent Designer's sake.

Onto the bad Peter Parker. Spider-Man 3. Finally saw it on video a few weeks back (library loan of course). First appearance of Venom (Amazing Spider-Man 300 for those of you who still live with mother). In a shell filled with far too many nutty plot lines and characters --A dark alien substance crashes into earth. Attaches itself to Peter. The transformation begins as Peter goes dark--sort of. The substance completely attaches itself to Peter as he lay in bed, but only notices that his suit has is completely dark atop a high-rise building window. Spider-Man feels the awesome power of this new look. But I'm getting ahead of myself...after fighting/defeating his Goblin friend (Harry) for the 400th time, Yuppie Goblin bumps head and like many a soap opera gets amnesia and forgets everything--for the time being. Then a startling discovery, the real killer of the Big Kahuna, wasn't that one geezer but rather a burly bloke in fabulous striped green tee shirt named Flint Marko (who, not unlike Notorious B.I.G. was just trying to make some money to feed his daughter or something). Flint escapes prison and falls into some kind of advanced research corn/veggie testing silo and turns into an Arab--the Sandman rather. Before I forget, someone is crying in every single frame of the film. And as one reviewer quipped, I felt as though I need a hug after the film. Okay here we go...this is all from memory, so try to follow along. So Spidey fights Sandman--avenges Uncle Ben. Leaves him for dead. Gloats to Aunt May that Uncle Ben's killer is dead! She reckons he's a neo-conservative or something to that effect. Takes small sample of the dark substance to his professor friend. Peter wallows in the accolades and becomes one vain Spider dude. Kisses Gwen Stacy his lab partner at school (Amazing Spider-Man #31 for those who live in your sister's basements) at a grand public ceremony honoring him--much to the displeasure of Mary Jane. Relationship troubles. Mary Jane loses her acting/singing/theatre gig. Aunt May gives Peter her wedding ring. Peter sets up a delightful dinner (complete with phony French maitre d) at restaurant to propose. Mary Jane cries. Peter cries. Unable to reach Peter (as he is never there for her), find a empathetic ear in Harry the Yuppie Goblin, arrives at his home where they share an omelet and a kiss. Harry is a brilliant painter and chef apparently. Guilt filled Mary Jane rushes out of the place. Harry regains memory. Schemes to destroy Peter/Mary Jane's relationship. Succeeds. Peter cries. Mary Jane tells him that she's found someone else. Harry meets Peter at coffee shop to break the new that he's the other guy. Peter, like Luke Skywalker before him, exclaims, It's impossible! Harry grins then disappears like the bogey-man. Then that Gopher guy from some 70's Show arrives and schemes to land the staff photographer gig at the Daily Bugle. Succeeds only after producing a phony photo of Spider-Man escaping with a sack of cash. Peter exacts his revenge and exposes Eddie Brock as a kind of Chalabi fraudster he is. J.Jameson swiftly fires Eddie and is humiliated at his own hiring party. At this point Peter's journey to disillusionment is complete and allows the dark nature of to take over--his mannerisms/appearance is altered--for the bad. Really bad. Fights the Yuppie and literally blows him up and leaves him for deaf. Not deaf. Death! He pulls his hair down over his forehead (goes for the unkempt tough-guy look), buys a dark suit, then proceeds to disco dance down Broadway like an asshole. But the rank assholery doesn't end there, oh gets worse--he gets the slightly retarded anorexic Russian immigrant girl to feed him freshly baked cookies while Dr. Connors relays the dangers of the dark substance. Now if that wasn't bad, get this. He takes Gwen Stacy out to this happening Jazz club (daddy-O), where there are all sorts of colored people mulling about. It's also where his ex-troll, Mary Jane is working for tips. He then proceeds to show off his piano playing prowess while Mary Jane sings (startled she was), then swing dances the doors off the place. Here is the major climax in the film, as the scene ends with Peter kicking everyone's ass in the place and knocking Mary Jane down to the floor. More crying. Geez, this review is as convoluted as the film itself. So Peter now realizes that his dark side has gotten the best of him...after choosing to don the dark suit--which is one of the underlying morals of the story--free will or something. In any case, he now has to fight the darkness, which he manages to do atop a cathedral. All the while Eddie Brock--now an unemployed drunken mess watches from below. The epic struggle (with himself) ends as the darkness is pulled off. The dark substance free falls and lands on Eddie who is then transformed into the monstrous Venom. The Sandman (left for dead so we thought), comes back with vengeance now. Rage filled Venom filled seeks out Sandman, forms a kind of alliance to squash the spider, kidnaps the troll and so the stage is set for the final battle. Mary Jane, bound and dangling oh-so-dangerously high above the city, inside a yellow taxi (trap set by the badies)...epic fight commences. Spider-Man is literally being pounded by the Arabs fists when lo! Behold! Another plot twist,Yuppie Goblin (scarred but not dead it turns out), appears to help save the day. Hooray! Spidey and Harry team up and you guessed it, win! So in the third installment of Spider-Man, everyone from the first two films it seems makes an appearance (dead or alive). A re-hashing of the Uncle Ben storyline, the Osborn storyline (Avenge me!), and even more with great power comes great responsibility morality. While not a complete mess, hearing Mary Jane sing (her own voice) two full songs damn near pushed me over all kinds of edges. sharp jagged ones. And Spidey's inner struggle storyline was about as genuine as the SDC...more on the SDC later.

Au revoir 2007!

Final Thought. Aren't we about due for a new UFO craze? Every decade or so it seems...2008 should be the year. Dennis Kucinich should start it. I like Dennis. His pockets are like treasure troves...a pocket constitution? What are we supposed to to with that?

Thursday, December 6, 2007

More Patriotic Than A Filipino American!

From forums:
The Leatherman Monarch is available at the PDX airport area Costco, it says it is 145 lumen, and is a Cree LED, it is packaged so you can turn it on and view it's light output at the store. It is pretty bright, but can't tell much in the brightly lit store. My wife was with me, and after buying 2 flashlights (Rayovac and Task Force Crees) in the last couple weeks, she put the foot down on buying another. She thinks I'm crazy. But it would be nice to have a smaller form factor light like the 3@ AAA-cell Leatherman, with the same output as my 2@ C-cell, and 3@ C-cell Crees.
There comes a time in a man's life when serious introspection and self examination leads him to a kind of acceptance--a realization of what a famous White man referred to as, being a total dork. It's official. I submit. I've recently discovered that there are others out there--an entire community of enthusiasts (addicts) who share my unhealthy obsession with flashlights, lanterns, headlamps, and various manner of bright lights! L.E.D.'s are all the rage. I purchased the Leatherman Moncarh 500 last week. It's like really bright and stuff. I sleep with it. That makes somewhere around 30...but who is counting? Entire flashlight messages boards for/by lightheads. Some of the finest people around I reckon. We aren't collecting stamps for my God's sakes! Stamps are utterly useless! What kinda freak still collects stamps? At least we aren't wearing costumes (think Star Trek). Not in public anyway. No, flashlights come in handy. Just wait 'til the next disaster--natural or otherwise, we'll see who has the last laugh. Ha.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Concluding with Fellini (Live Blogging with Ray Bradbury)

Fellini to Ray Bradbury: "My twin! My twin"

Applause. Q&A? No. I'm out. Was hoping to be out quick-like...ended up cleaning up/arranging the tables/chairs/etc...such a wonderful guy I is.

Ray Bradbury. Good Man.

Wrapping Up (Live Blogging with Ray Bradbury)

Wrote 40 plays. Never made a dime on them Ray claims. 17min left on the laptop...strange, did i read it wrong?! Yep, I'm losing it. Ray's inspired me to change my name to Bugenhagen and become a poet. Either that or Richard Shiner. Richard Shiner's Guide To The Galaxy. So Studs Terkel is like 95 years old. I heard him on the radio a couple weeks back--now there's a man I'd like to meet. He was as sharp, witty and humble. Ray is I believe like 87 years old. Studs is an awesome name. It's 7:45pm. I've got 10min left on the laptop. I'll conclude when I get home--maybe.

Is That Cheese? (Live Blogging with Ray Bradbury)

Applause. Ray has begun speaking. Begins by praising the public library. "The library was my university...graduated from the library when I was 28." I can hear Ray but I cannot see him. Screenplays. Motion Pictures. Playwright. Gene Kelly. Hollywood. Musicals. Libraries. Hybrid. Double Day. Martian Chronicles. Short stories. Haven't I heard all this before?! These grapes are good though. I didn't touch the cheese.

In quotes (so far):

"Everything in life must be love."

"Everything he makes is so negative--you leave the film wanting to slit your wrists. To hell with him (Martin Scorsese).

"I loved (watching) Hunchback of Notre Dame--I became a Hunchback."

"Behold Herman Melville--but look quick, he's gonna be gone quick"
(to John Houston after completing the screenplay for Moby Dick).

"I'm a playwright!"

Ray's been speaking for over 25 minutes now...i've got about 10 minutes left of battery life. Gonna hang for a little while longer...

The Scene (Live Blogging with Ray Bradbury)

I can see the backside of Ray's driver/handler/security (it appears), along with two rather large Public Safety Officers and about 30 or so people waiting to get Ray to sign their (or is it they're) books. There is talented transient playing the harmonica on our back steps on the side of the building. He's actually quite good. A gentlemen just handed Ray a piece of his own original artwork as a gift--Ray seemed pleased. I just noticed, Ray's eating his dinner as he meets/signs. Looks tasty. Once he gets up to give the lecture (which appears like it won't begin and time soon as 7pm is quickly approaching), I'm gonna grab some of his grapes and crackers. Bradbury books are selling like thinks that sell well or something. It's a cool crisp evening. I've got my fleece on. And I'm hungry. Why couldn't Gore Vidal be here?! "It's time to lecture isn't it?" Everyone is heading out into the main room now. I've got my eye on his plate...

Signing Time. (Live Blogging with Ray Bradbury)

"I'll go on at Seven, when I'm done with this! Too early to start lecturing. They're are people still coming!" I dont' know if Ray knows just how loud he is, as he is slightly hearing impaired. He was supposed to begin speaking at 6:30pm, it's now 6:38, Ray is still meeting/greeting/signing books. He seems to be in a good mood. I remember last time, it was obvious he was disappointed at the turnout. This time the Friends actually promoted the event!

Last time I did this, I reckon I was new to this whole blogging thing--was all a pretty novel idea to me...just having fun with i'll try to be a bit more coherent this time! Hell, I can always edit later ;)

All Those People! (Live Blogging with Ray Bradbury)

"They're waiting for me. All those people!" Ray Bradbury just proclaimed. Has it really been over a year? Que lastima! Cup half empty. Am I really still a Bookstamper? I feel crummy. Been under the weather for a past few days...dunno why I'm still here. I've got some outstanding issues with the good people at Blogger (more on that later--why I haven't posted in some time). Doors are opening. Ray Bradbury is sitting in front of the circulation desk--in his wheelchair, behind a circular desk. Stacks of (his) books by his sides. They've just opened the door. Seems less lively than the last time. About a hundred people have just entered--finding seats. Lack of parking seems to be on everyone's mind. The Friends of The Library once again are the sponsors of the event. It's picture time with Ray. Laptop battery don't fail me now...watched the original Omen and Damien Omen II late last nite and was totally freaked out. I couldn't believe how freaked out I was. I've seen the film dozens of times...I'm thinking about changing my name to Bugenhagen. I'm gonna name my firstborn child Bugenhagen.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Worlds Greatest Book (Pamphlet) Title. (Part Deux)

Move over San Jose: City With A Past or Kind of Kabab! I just came across this, via recent GNN blog entry by one Harold H. Thompson, written from inside a Tennessee prison--while serving life-plus sentence, on the virtue of shutting the fu*k up.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

More Pointless Research

Top 3 recent (utterly vacuous) research "findings". Who funds this stuff? Give me the money. I could totally take a research grant to prove the obvious. But I wouldn't, I would do serious research...I'd figure out why ghetto-ass people are always on the phone or always in a rush or why they speed in parking lots or why their stories ("drama") always involve some petty cash dispute or "someone getting fu*#ed up." That fool got fu*ked up! We were gonna fu*k some fool up last night! Or why fratboy stories are all the same--always about being wasted someplace. Dude we were so wasted! Dude, we were partying in Cabo over the break, we were so fu*ked up! We totally trashed the motel room! Or worse--why the Seinfeld-like yuppie stories ("drama") always involve getting bad service someplace. Complete with a (peculiarly) heightened sense of victimization. The girl who did my nails was totally inept. Oh my God, the hostess at the restaurant was such a bitch. The Soup Nazi fu*ked me! Then there's real drama in the world. But I digress, some researchers at some institute/university someplace receive grants to prove the obvious (or is that disprove the unobvious?).

Like this one from the good people at Aberdeen, who published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition recently (via BBC):

People often choose partners with similar body fatness to their own, according to new research.

The Aberdeen study involving 42 couples said people often married within their own social class as well as taking looks, height and race into account.

However, they have now found those with about the same amount of fat are likely to be attracted to each other.

Or this one about how price does not deter smoking:

Raising the price of cigarettes does not appear to deter current smokers from lighting up, research suggests.

"People who are still smoking are probably selectively those who are more addicted, so they are less likely to quit smoking if the price of their habit increases," Dr. Peter Franks, of University of California-Davis in Sacramento, told Reuters Health.

And finally this:

Girly Men are perfect partners, say Women

Women searching for the perfect partner avoid macho men in favour of feminine-looking types whom they see as more committed and better parents, research has found.

Men with masculine features, such as a square jaw, larger nose or smaller eyes were perceived to be less faithful, more detached and worse fathers. Those with fuller lips and wide eyes were seen as being more caring, nurturing and less likely to stray.

Psychologists from Durham and St Andrews Universities asked more than 400 people to look at pictures of male faces that were digitally altered to look more masculine or feminine. They were then asked to predict personality traits, such as sexual behaviour and parenting skills, based on the images.

The results, published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, revealed that as well as preferring more feminine faces, participants chose healthier ones - such as those with better complexions - as more representative of positive traits, while older faces were preferred over younger ones.

And they could answer some questions when it comes to celebrity pairings. The jazz singer Michael Buble's round cheeks and eyes may indicate that his girlfriend, the Devil Wears Prada actress Emily Blunt, is looking to settle down. The actress Gwyneth Paltrow's choice of the scruffy Coldplay singer Chris Martin could be explained by his big blue eyes and bee-stung lips.

The chef Jamie Oliver's button nose and baby face may show that his wife, Jools, was spot on when she chose to start a family with him - not only does he seem a model father but he has also taken charge of the eating habits of others' children as well.

The lead author, Dr Lynda Boothroyd, a Durham University psychology lecturer, said: "This research shows a high amount of agreement between women about what they see, personality wise, when asked to 'judge a book by its cover'.

Let us not rush to discount the relevant and potentially life saving research being conducted by serious professionals today however. Recently, researchers discovered:

Exercise unleashes a bounce bras can't handle
Breasts fly up and down a distance of up to 8 inches, study says

Whether women are said to be flat-chested or big-busted, ordinary bras fall short when it comes to supporting bouncing breasts, a new study claims.

And during exercise, women's breasts bounce more than previously estimated, moving a vertical distance of up to around eight inches compared with a past maximum measurement of six inches.

The bouncing, in some cases with breasts weighing 20 pounds or more, can prove painful and damaging to the limited natural support system.While brassieres have evolved throughout history from body-binding corsets to cleavage-enhancing "miracle" bras, only recently have researchers injected a dose of science into the design of undergarments that go beyond conferring a more "perky" look, the researcher says.

"It is only recently that bra design has turned to science," said study author Joanna Scurr, a biomechanics professor at the University of Portsmouth in England. "There was no research. It’s like designing a car or kitchen equipment without first thinking 'what is the purpose of this?'"

Scurr will present her research this week at an annual meeting for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences in Bath.

Breast biomechanics
Scurr recruited 70 women, including students and faculty from the University of Portsmouth, with bra sizes ranging from A-cup to extra-large (DD, E, FF, G, H, HH, J and JJ were included).

Each woman walked, jogged and ran while wearing different bra types. During the exercise, Scurr took biomechanical measurements, including the amount of breast
movement in three directions: up-and-down, side-to-side and in-and-out.

During walking exercise, the women's breasts moved relatively the same amount in all directions. But when participants sped up to a jog or run, their breasts moved proportionally more in some directions than others: More than 50 percent of the total movement was in the up-down direction, 22 percent side-to-side and 27 percent in-and-out.

Indeed these are exciting times in the field of Breast Biomechanics.

Special Comment

A final thought. In what I like to call my--Who's Looking Out For You segment.

Parking lot speeders--worst bunch of assholes on the planet. Really there is no one worse. Even terrorists are principled. Parking lot speeders have no redeeming qualities.

Good night and good day.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Quote of the day

"(James) Bond is an imperialist and a misogynist who kills people and laughs about it, and drinks Martinis and cracks jokes....Bourne is a serial monogamist whose girlfriend is dead and he does nothing but think about her"

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Lyrically Speaking. Part Un.

Just plain bad and/or bizzaro lyrics. Some of my favorite tunes make no sense! This will be an ongoing feature on the blog starting, well now. Stupid Lyrics (or lyrics that make sense only to those who don't actually listen to lyrics).

Air Supply - Even The Nights Are Better

Even the nights are better
Now that we're here together
Even the nights are better
Since I found you, oh
No shit the nights would be better. Now if he had said, Even Tuesday mornings at the library are better--that shit would have real meaning for me and made sense.

Positive K
- I Gotta Man

I got a man

I'm not tryin to hear that

Now you can persist to play Don Juan all day
But ain't nothin gonna change

Yeah baby, sure you're right
I'ma break it down and do whatever I gots to do
I tell you know, I got eyes for you

You got eyes, but they not for me
You better use them for what they for and that's to see

You know what's the problem, ya not used to learnin
I'm Big Daddy Longstroke, and your man's Pee Wee Herman

I got a question to ask you troop
Are you a chef, cause you keep feedin' me soup

You know what they say about those who sweat thyself
You might find yourself, by yourself
I'm not waitin because I'm no waiter
So when I blow up, don't try to kick it to me later

All them girls must got you gassed

A-when they see a good thing they don't let it pass

Well that's OK, cause see if that's their plan
Cause for me, I already got a man

What's your man got to do with me?

I got a man

I'm not tryin to hear that see

I got a man

What's your man got to do with me?

I got a man

I'm not tryin to hear that
What am I, some crab inmate
that just came home from jail sweatin you for a date?
I don't want no beef, I just wants to get together

But how you talkin, pssssh, whatevah!

We can't have nothin

It all depends
Well if we can't be lovers than we can't be friends

Well then I guess it's nothing

Well hey I think you're bluffing

Well I'ma call my man

Well I can get raggamuffin
Ya better catch a flashback remember I'm not crabbin it
You know my style, from I'm Not Havin It

All I remember's an excuse me miss
You can't get a guy like me with a line like this

Well look I'll treat you good

My man treats me better

I talk sweet on the phone

My man writes love letters

I'll tell you that I want you, and tell you that I care

My man says the same except he's sincere

Well I'm clean cut and dapper, that's what I'm about

My man buys me things and he takes me out

Well you can keep your man, cause I don't go that route

Don't you know yu haffa respeck me

There's a lot of girls out there who won't say no

You're out for mami with your DJ Money

Boom batter my pockets is gettin fatter
I wanna turn you on and excite you
Let me know the spot on your body and I bite you
So when your man don't treat you like he used to
I kick in like a turbo booster
You want lovin you don't have to ask when
Your man's a headache, I'll be your aspirin
All confusion, you know I'll solve em

I got a man

You got a what?
How long you had that problem?
For those unfamiliar with this hip hop classic, it's about trying to pick up a girl (say, at a club--or as my ghetto friends would say--holla at a bitch, kid). Theres a back and forth/a tit-for-tat/ping for pong going on between Mr. K and a female vocalist (in italics representing all those kind girls who turn a brother down). So after spending countless verses on trying to pick up on a girl--building a brother up, braggin' about how well he'd treat her and all that jazz (jazz? who still says that? A person who uses the word dapper, that's who), she tells him that her man buys her things and takes her out. To which he replies, you can keep your man cause I don't go that route. He then continues to try to pick up on this girl. Geez.

How long you had that problem?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Turning 60

Courtesy BBC News

"There can be no question of coercing any large areas in which one community has a majority to live against their will under a government in which another community has a majority. And the only alternative to coercion is partition."
--Viceroy of British India, Lord Mountbatten

National newspapers' across Pakistan paint a rather depressing picture.

Though a solid 60 years old today, many of its citizens would say unequivocally that the country has not been able to achieve what its founders had in mind for it. Issues of identity, religion and faith have yet to be settled, and have probably only been made worse by a spate of rulers who tried to push religion and ideology in order to legitimise their own illegal rule.


The anniversary reminds one that the country has failed to achieve any of the ideals enunciated by its founding fathers. Quaid-e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah wanted the new country to be a modern and pluralist Islamic democratic welfare state.


Today on the 60th Independence Day of the country we should seriously analyse why we failed to achieve the targets set for us by Quaid-e Azam and Allama Iqbal. Today we should all have to carry out self-accountability and compensate for our mistakes. Otherwise, we will lose our real goal forever.


To say that we have achieved nothing over these six decades is to deny the truth. True, we have made blunder after blunder, committed terrible crimes against our own people, and in the process lost half the country in 1971. Yet the record is not all that bleak. When all is said and done, there has been progress, though, admittedly, the rate could have been faster.


We are celebrating the 60th anniversary of independence at a time when the country is passing through political uncertainty and a chaotic situation. Unfortunately, we are still indecisive about the system and goals of our country. The need of the hour is that we... transform the country into a real Islamic and welfare state.


What is worrying is the pattern of instability that Pakistan has followed since its creation. The 60 years we have lived give evidence of the fact that governments have lacked legitimacy one way or another and the army has dictated terms on "national issues" it didn't want the politicians to touch.


If we look back at the past 60 years, we will see the instability of the democratic system as our major failure. This is the root cause of the tough challenges we are facing today... The time has come for our rulers to think maturely and take decisions for the betterment of the country and nation. Remember that no person is indispensable.


On this historically important day we demand that all the politicians, religious scholars and technocrats sit together and steer the country out of these complicated crises... All Pakistanis should unite over the common interests of Pakistan.

From BBC: Indian Independence Pictures

As partition looms, illustrator EH Shepard (of Winnie the Pooh fame) depicts the mainly Hindu Congress organisation and the Muslim League as two elephants ignoring each other in a 1946 cartoon for Punch. All images courtesy of the British Library.

This 1928 poster condemns the Simon Commission sent by London to look at India's future because it had no Indian members.

This poster shows non-cooperating Indians sitting in a tree as a soldier tries to shake them out and Mahatma Gandhi sits by serenely.

From the 1920s, Congress advocated the boycotting of British goods and the embrace of Swadeshi - the promotion of Indian products and traditional technologies.

This Congress poster depicts India as an old man having to choose from three paths: co-operation with the imperial government, violence and peaceful non-cooperation.

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Ahh...sweet relationships...this is reality. I actually know who these people are. Frightening.

30 Cups. Never enough.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Gilda. I look on an evening with just one bird as only half the menu...matter of fact, what I like is to have three women--I don't mean all there at once, but all three on tap. And I like a bit of variety in them: one thin, one fat and one medium, or say, one very young, one a bit older and another in between. You'll find with three like that you'll get the most of your needs satisfied. Mind you, I never like to go straight from one bird to another without a break in between, I find I need a bit of a change, a bit of a talk with a few mates, so I nipped into a pub where I knew one or two of my mates hang out. I don't like making fixed arrangements with anybody--I like to live in a casual come -and-go-style.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Late nite music chemistry

My favorite from Our Love To Admire. One part Pixies, one part Zeppelin and Ozzy-like vocals. Nice.

Interpol - Rest My Chemistry

Just a rage and three kinds of yes.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Edukation. (Circa 1913)

Donations. We receive literally thousands of books and other materials a year. In fact over 20% of our collection at the branch is from patron donations. Sorting through the boxes/bags can sometimes be drag, but many a gem has been discovered. Today something special (even more special than the Kind of Kabob cookbook from a few months back) caught my eye (the lazy one). An absolute gem!

Excerpts from A Manual of Sex Hygiene (1914) by Winfield Scott Hall Ph.D (M.D.) & Jeannette Winter Hall (Biologist, Teacher and Mother):

From the Introduction:
It not infrequently happens that one unclean child will contaminate a whole neighborhood of clean-minded children before the parents discover the condition.
Further into the Introduction (superficially profound with not-so-subtle racist overtones or is that undertones?):

We find that our race emerged from a condition known as Primeval Man into a condition somewhat advance above that, known as Savagery. Our race was in the condition of Savagery from about six or seven thousand years ago (!) to four thousand years ago. Savages are fetish-worshiping, raft-sailing, cave-dwelling children of Nature.

From about Four thousand years ago to about one thousand years ago our ancestors lived in the forests of central Europe and southeastern Europe, and were in the age of Barbarism. This age is characterized as crude and cruel, rough and ready, venal and vulgar, blundering and blustering Barbarism. In their age of Barbarism they lived in tents if they were nomadic, in rude dwellings of stone and log if not nomadic. They were developing the industries concerned in the making of implements of war and the chase, of fabrics of apparel, and of various conveniences about the home. It was the age of war and the chase. It was an age of hero worship. Woman was a chattel; affection and consideration for the woman was no known.

From this age of Barbarism our race emerged into Chivalry over a thousand years ago. The age of Chivalry was at its height about five hundred years ago and merged by imperceptible gradation into our present system. In the age of Chivalry society as we know it came into being. The shackles were stricken from a woman, and she came into her present high estate.
Of course in 1913, if your point of reference for women's rights is the age of barbarism, no doubt women were indeed in high estate.

Onto an actual conversation (okay, a theoretical one between a mother and daughter):

"Why, Mother, the ovaries of a girl then are sacred to her womanhood, aren't they?"

"Yes, daughter, and that is why Mother has told you this story of womanhood, so you would always have that attitude toward this part of your body. The sex apparatus of a girl is, as you say, sacred to her womanhood. And do you see, daughter, that when a girl comes to have this feeling toward her sex apparatus, as she surely will have once she once understands the plan her Creator for the development of her womanhood, she could never be misled by an older, vulgar-minded girl into habits of touching or even thinking about her sex organs in such a way as to cause irritation or excitation of them."

"Yes, Mother, I understand perfectly, and I can not understand how any girl should ever do such a thing. There are some girls in school who frequently use vulgar language that makes us girls blush with shame. Surely these girls have not had these things explained to them by their mothers, or they would not use such language as they do."
On girls' monthly visitations (rights):

"But, Mamma, does this happen every month?"

"Yes, daughter, every twenty-eight days as a rule. But, daughter, this experience, which is common to all womanking and which may not at first be easy to become adjusted to, is your Creator's preparation of you for future motherhood."

"Why, Mamma, that is very different. You know I want to be a mother some time just as you are. I want some day to have a little baby all my own whose little warm, soft body I can hold close up to me."

"Yes, daughter, Mother wants you to be a daughter some day too. So when this comes to you, this staining of your linen with the first monthly period, if you will come to Mother she will give you further instructions as to just how to take care of yourself."

(1) That she should cleanse her external sex organs each morning and evening with tepid water as near to her blood temperature as possible.
(2) That she should during the three to five days of her monthly period abstain from and strenuous exercise such as dancing, skating, rowing, long cross-country walking, horseback riding, bicycle riding, or anything else that would not be called gentle exercise.
(3) That she should not take a cold bath during those days; and if in summer, of course, not go in swimming at the bathing beach.
(4) That she should carefully avoid getting her feet wet, in fact should take especial car during those days to keep both hand and feet warm and dry
(5) That she should try to cultivate a spirit of happiness and contentment during those days; though she might feel both unhappy and discontented sometimes, she should restrain herself and never permit herself to give expression to any unhappiness, irritation, annoyance or discontent.
(6) Today, daughter, you had better stay at home with Mother.

Mother knows best. You know, I haven't actually finished reading a book in months...I'm completely and utterly fascinating with this one. I am so going to finish this one. Now, if we could just build a time machine and bring me back a girl circa 1913--one who never permit(s) herself to give expression to unhappiness, irritation, annoyance or discontent. I can dream can't I?

Will keep you updated on Sex Hygiene tips circa 1913. Next update will be about entering into Manhood. (I skipped over the entire "Where to babies come" part...too much good stuff in this one!) Surprisingly, there is some information in this Manual that is still quite relevant today, but there's also much in here at us post-post-modern folk would scoff at. Society of scoffers we've become. 1913, must've taken some courage to even publish a book such as this. Top hats off to the authors.

I am so going to be late for work in the AM.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Bach Ke Rehna Re Baba

"I used to be like you, now look at me--I'm dating two Asian girls."
--David Cross from School For Scoundrels (2006)

On now...Bach Ke Rehna Re Baba (exact translation eludes me), on ARYDI satellite channel (major Urdu language satellite channel--based/uplinked from the UAE--where else?). Bach Ke ("saved") game show is hosted by what appears to be a Chinese girl speaking fluent Urdu. Totally fascinating. She's got the accent and mannerisms down cold. Wow. Just wow. Hopefully they/she gives us a name. The game itself is a mix between the Price Is Right and Nick's Double Dare where contestants (teams of two teens--boy/girl) compete for cash prizes...roll giant dice on then perform all sorts of not-so-challenging games. The show is god awful, but I'm totally fascinated by the chupti host.

Sophia Chee
is her name and she just signed off with Allah-Hafiz. Amazing. I don't watch much television, but all this Urdu language programming is bringing me back to my roots...okay, so my roots are grounded squarely in the mean streets of the San Fernando Valley (like, yea), but never underestimate the power of false pride!

Sophia Chee

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Late nite music with oysters and dry lancers...

What college music sounds like. These guys surely didn't drop out of art school.

Pavement - Shady Lane (1997)

It's everybody's God.

Late nite poetry...that works!

Poetry ala Frank Tovey aka Fad Gadget on being coy.

Coitus Interruptus

Coitus interruptus
I digress, I've tried again
All this love sick repetition
I confess, I lied again

Coitus interruptus
Emission impossible
Catch this blood clot in a vacuum
Get your cheap thrills
I'll do it my way

The boys sleep with girl
The boys sleep with boy
Never find that high
Never acting coy
Never acting coy

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

What would you do for Rs1000?

Just finished watching a show called Living On The Edge (theme song by Aerosmith, who else?) on The Musik satellite channel. Touted as the first Indo-Pak dare (as in I double dare you paki) show. A kind of desi Fear Factor sans production value or budget. I came into it a bit late, but the dare apparently was to eat tablespoons of red chili powder. The record was 12 tablespoons. The poor girl ate 9 and couldn't go any longer. Then they had a miserable drawn out interview with the pagal larki who took on the challenge. For...get this 1000Rs. Rupees my Western friends. PKR.

1000 PKR = $16.5027 USD

I would pay the poor girl 2000Rs to stop. The girl said something about wanting to break to record, as some kind of nationalist pride or something. I think I heard that correctly, national pride. I laughed when I heard it, but now as I write this, I'm thinking...getting into the Guinness Book of World Records--a first for a Pakistani woman. For...swallowing spoonfuls of chili powder. Thomas Friedman would be proud. The World. Flat indeed.

Conspiracy Update: The South Asian/Pakistani satellite package from Disk Network comes with a couple bonus channels. One of which is the new PNTG Channel. Hey! Freedom Journal Iraq is on...we're winning! Yea!

Quote of the day...

From the Reporters On The Job (World) column of the Christian Science Monitor (6/6/07):

Editor David Clark Scott writing, Even US Mideast Friends Worried.

"I have a complaint about the American people," Sheikh Hani Fahs, A Shiite cleric in Beirut who is well known for forging Christian-Muslim dialogue in Lebanon, told Scott [Peterson, Staff Writer] during a long interview.

Until Then, the conversation had focused on the chances of civil war in Lebanon, the Shiite mind-set, and Sheikh Fah's own past close contact with the leader of Iran's 1979 revolution, Ayatollah Khomeini. But peering at Scott through thick glasses, the cleric had something else on his mind, too.

"You [Americans] used to elect presidents who were enemies, but were sane. Now you have become as insane as we are," said Fahs, with more than a hint of sadness.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Terry Du Jour

Terry Crews singing in White Chicks. I love that song.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Live Blogging: Miss Universe 2007

I'm thinking it's gonna be an Asian this year...don't know how the judges judge or if they are doing anything at all. Think it is completely bogus/rigged. Think the winner is chosen for completely political...meaning for geo-political reasons...think about the previous years winners...more on this later...okay we're back...

I can see the Dominican Republic contestant in the back...she is hot as hell...please don't show the Donald...ruining the show for me...

Final strut for the 2006 Miss Universe Puerto Rico. Hot.

Ernst & Young gives the final blondes! Now that's refreshing.

4th Runner Up: USA
3rd Runner Up: Korea
2nd Runner Up: Venezuela (clearly disappointed she didn't win--her mannerisms totally give away her sheer disbelief). Come on now..seriously, two words...Hugo. Chavez. You really think we're gonna give it to a woman from Hugo Chavez land?!
1st Runner Up: Brazil (standing next to Miss Japan--like seeing a Woman and a little boy standing next to each other).

Miss Universe 2007: Miss Japan.
I can totally see her headlights. I called it! An Asian. I am special too!

No one sings?! What happened to the winners song? Where's the cheesy crooner? This is terrible...totally rushed towards the end...

Live Blogging: Miss Universe 2007

5 Left. Winner takes all. Oooh...the gigs/perks/gifts for the winner..nice crown/tiara. Japanese designed. Modeling contract. Fancy watch. Swimware. Japanese designer clothes. Hair care products. Denim from YMI. New York Film Academy grant. I'm thinking Asia will win this year...everyone is tired of these hot Latin girls winning every year.

They just turned the music up for Miss USA final strut...interesting...possibly trying to mute out the boos...

The Top 3...after commercial break...I can't wait...anticipation is killing me...

Live Blogging: Miss Universe 2007

Top 5 have been chosen:

Korea (Honey Lee!)
USA (What?! How? Why?!)

Where is my African Nubian princess?! Boo! In the words of Moog...this is the bullshit of all bullshit! USA should not be in the top 5. Boos from the audience! Hahaha! Viva Mexico.

The Questions: Time to hit the mute button on my remote (haha!)

Venezuela: Dave Navarro is asking question. What the hell kind of question is this? Dave Navarro is pervert! She answered well though...patronizes Mexico. She really believes she's going to win.

Korea: If you could have any type of superpower, what/why? Save the world she reckons. And have a fat wallet or something. She can't speak too well it seems--plus it looks like her mouth is crooked. Boo! She's still cute as hell though.

Brazil: Michelle Kwan asking question. Following your heart or mind? Wow. This woman just oozes sensuality. A little wink & a nod. Futile to resist this Brasiliana. Just plain sexy. Patronizes Mexico. Mmmm...brasilian portugese spoken by this I'm weak.

USA: Getting booed! Yes! I love Mexicans! I love this show. Oh shit, that crowd is brutal. God bless us all! Terrible! She couldn't even say Mejiko very well. She shouldn't have made this far anyway.

Japan: That translator is a dweeb. Lifes lessons. Patronizes Mexico. She is dancer she says. Dweeb translator! She did good job.

Real..tough decision for the judges...

Live Blogging: Miss Universe 2007 it's time for the Top 5. The show itself becomes a two hour tourism junket for the host country...not to mention the girl from the host country is guaranteed a top placement. Wow...Viva Mexico! Slater stop trying to speak espanglish you maricon!

NBC Online voters picked...

Miss Philippines as most photogenic. She is cute.

Miss China: Miss Congeniality (I think I heard her nice gentleman...)

Top 5 next. Miss India is a mess this year...don't like her at all..

Live Blogging: Miss Universe 2007

Mario "Slater" Lopez (world's phoniest Mexican) and the Lachey Filipina are seriously annoying. The girls (contestants) got to visit Chiapas...interesting...Mexico's ultimate playground?! The Evening gown contest is on now...

The Scores:

The Brazilian really fills up that dress...full bodied woman. Voluptuous would be an understatement. 9.599

India: 7.825 (terrible!) She had on a terrible dress/sari and performed one of the lousiest struts I've ever seen--all the while holding up her dress. Blah!
Japan: 8.943 The girl can strut! Great flowing dress and showing tremendous confidence.
Angola: Go Angola! Hot (8.363) Her red dress looked trashy/cheap.
Venezuela: Too much makeup...overly done. 9.510 She really fills up that dress! Voluptuous.
USA: Fell on her ass! Oh My God! Holy Shit. Ha. Ha. 8.754 Bogus score! That's total BS. What is this sympathy points?
Korea: She is cute as hell. I totally feel the need to get a massage. 9.163
Tanzania: Beauty. 8.488 (Boo!) Her dress looked like off-the-rack prom dress. Cheap. Poor strut.
Nicaragua: 7.674 (lowest so far) Dress looks like nightgown.
Mexico: 7.850 (low) Can't understand why she got such a low score??

Live Blogging: Miss Universe 2007

The Top 10 has been chosen. Go Tanzania! What the hell is Miss USA?! I can't figure out what mix of ethnic nuts she is, it's making me crazy. Oooh, Miss Nicaragua is stunning as well...and she is 5'7", which is like 7" taller than the average woman in Nicaragua. The bikini contest was frustrating...the downfall of Western Civilization....not terrorism, not changing demographics...the fact they don't show ass on television or in film. Ever. Show these women's backside! Why not?! What is wrong with this country....

Live Blogging: Miss Universe 2007

Live From Mexico. The Miss Universe 2007 Contest. Woo!

The Top 15. How the Top 15 are chosen is a great Miss Universe mystery. In an instant the majority of the 77 contestants are disqualified, practically before the show has even begun. I have my favorites...Miss Tanzania has the most beautiful face I've ever seen--and she is bald--any girl that doesn't hide her face behind big hair is well...special. My other top picks are, Korea, Brazil, and Angola.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Fresh Fish On The Line.

Two of my favorite people in the whole wide world. Kat Williams & Terry Crews in this hilarious clip from Friday After Next. I love black people. Just for the record, when the revolution comes, I'll be on the side of my black brothers. Right. I will watch any god awful crap film if Terry is in it. All of his roles are memorable--well to me anyway--Cheeseburger Eddy (Longest Yard), Singing Guy in Car (Click), Latrell Spencer (White Chicks), Benchwarmers, and he'll be in the upcoming Get Smart movie with Steve Carrell. I can't wait. I am a Terry Crews fan. The man breakdances. The man raves. The man makes me smile. Greatest actor of our generation so far as I'm concerned.

I'm a nice guy when you get to know me
OG Triple OG (Damon)

Starting tonight, I will post a new Terry Crews (Terry du Jour) clip every night until I can't find any more clips of him on the YouTube. Here's a sampler montage.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Night Disturbances

The New Denny's Slamburger:
Our exclusive late night burger is here. We take our juicy burger, add cheesy hash brown casserole, add an egg, cooked to order, top it all with cheese sauce and place it on a sesame seed bun. Served with a heaping side of French Fries.

Denny' (Specials)

This will never be part of a nutritiously balanced meal....had this tonight with a side of fries and Denny's Santa Fe ranch dressing. I had been doing so well in recent weeks...working out...eating healthier...don't know why I ordered this tonight. Pity thy arteries. I seriously (no joke) felt sharp pains in my chest after eating this thing. Mild heart attack it must've been. Now if we just removed the bun...the late Dr. Atkins would be proud. I wonder what homeboy cook concocted's like hey, people like has browns, eggs, cheese and burgers! Why not put it all together?! Hey!

`The Best part of the nite was the music playing overhead...heard, the Cure, Altered Images, DM, New of the ex-homeboys at Denny's must've had an old Richard Blade's flashback favorites CD. Ended the night watching Hostel again in anticipation of part deux. I hears Bijou Phillips is in it. I love Bijou. Wonder if she'll play the trashy girl role...that would be a strech.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Cannes Control

Continuing the theme of dead icons...I've been scouring the net to find some clips of Anton Corbijn's (iconic photographer/video director) b&w biopic of Ian Curtis (Joy Division), called Control. The official film website doesn't offer much info. Alas, some lovely soul just uploaded the trailer for the film. Once again, thank my God for the YouTube. Ace! Apparently, it has been receiving glowing reviews since its debut at Cannes Film Festival last week. I've been looking forward to seeing this since I heard Anton was directing...but we'll have to wait several more months for the stateside release. With Anton Corbijn directing, at least it's guaranteed to be visually stunning. Wonder how it will compare to 24Hour Party People's depiction of Ian....the second clip is a long Dutch interview (subtitled) with Anton that includes several clips from the film. And that's a good thing. So exactly what is Emo?

Monday, May 21, 2007

The Award For Coolest Guy Ever...

If such an award existed (and why doesn't it?)...goes to...Frank Tovey aka Fad Gadget--anyone who can perform on stage tarred and feathered or covers himself in shaving cream (not for the faint of heart) and have any credibility left is simply remarkable. Like the tale of Robin Hood, unique in literature--in that everyone knows the story but no one has actually read. Fad Gadget, a band I've known of for years, but never really listened to until recently--which is a terrible shame as the guy was amazing! So I'm getting to the party a couple decades late...but thank my God for the YouTube, I can share him with you all. And by all I mean the three people out there that read my blog...I know who you are...thanks.

Surprisingly, very few of the of the post-disco/punk electronic "futurists" dance music new wave exponent "pioneers" survived the 80's. As for Mr. Frank Tovey, I reckon he was either A. Ahead of his time. 2. Too full of himself/took himself too seriously/considered uncool for dropping out of art school. Or C, just didn't give a flying falluja. And in the ironies of ironies, Fad Gadget, after two decades, resurrects his musical career opening up the band that was once his opening act. In a stadium no less.

Watch the montage video below, then tell me if there is anyone cooler than he? Finger biting, hand licking, feathered, raving, stage diving (years ahead of his time), shirt ripping, microphone wire strangling, pogoing, power drilling ball o' synergy...

R.I.P. Frank Tovey.

From Mute UK:
The early eighties saw the emergence of the electronic/dance phenomenon in Europe. At the forefront of this movement were four names: Cabaret Voltaire, The Human League, The Normal, and Fad Gadget (Frank Tovey). Tovey released his first single Back to Nature in 1979 and was the first signing to Daniel Miller's Mute label. Miller (as The Normal) had previously put out his own composition T.V.O.D. c/w Warm Leatherette and was thinking of starting a label when he met Tovey. As Fad Gadget Tovey played solo with a drum machine and synthesizer confusing audiences at the time used to the standard rock format. Now, obviously, the scene is radically different with electronic sounds and beat boxes being the norm.

His name is quoted by Depeche Mode and Erasures Vince Clark as a major inspiration and the influence of Tovey's early experiments in electronic music can be heard in the likes of the Pet Shop Boys, New Order and all the Techno/Dance Bands of the 90s. The main characteristic of Tovey's work that distinguished him from his contempories and his followers was the quality of his lyrics. Not satisfied with singing pseudo science fiction (a la Gary Numan) or crass love songs, Tovey developed a style more akin to Dylan or Lou Reed, his black humour often confusing the punters at the time more interested in style than content.

His songs 'spoke of the diseases and fears poorly hidden from view. They spoke for and against the little man, the ubiquitous civilian bewildered by the speed of events threatening to sweep him up or leave him behind. And they spoke in a variety of voices: dead pan, severe, sardonic, satirical and, finally, disarmingly sincere....' -Biba Kopf '91.

Image wise, Tovey never played the pretty pop singer role preferring to be photographed by Anton Corbin covered from head to toe in shaving foam or tarred and feathered. His stage shows have often been mad acrobatic events. Where most performers remain untouchable he would purposely goad an audience, sometimes somersaulting from the stage (before stage diving became an international sport), like a latter-day cockney version of Iggy Pop his audience passing him around above their heads before depositing him back on the stage and screaming for more.

After four critically acclaimed albums Tovey dropped the Fad Gadget tag and continued to make albums for Mute under his own name. Throughout his career he has influenced and been influenced by many styles, mixing electronics with rock, punk, folk, and dance music. This has inevitably made it hard to pin him down. His last two albums, for instance, featured an electric banjo which he had custom built for Paul Rodden a member of his previous touring band The Pyros. Tovey has continually toured Europe and has over the years built up strong fan base who flock to see his shows never knowing what to expect this time but always leaving stunned by his performance.

The mark of a talented artist is there for all to hear in the ten albums he has created. All challenging musically, all intriguing in their lyrical content. Fad Gadget has recently come out of semi-retirement and done his first performance in six years for Elektrofest 2001 at the Mean Fiddler, London. The eagerly awaited show has left people wanting more. 'It's about time electronic music comes back to something more organic, soulful and powerful, but at the same time meaningful and song orientated.'

Life On The Line - Fad Gadget

Frank was starting to look a lot like Sacha Baron Cohen towards the end however...

Synergy: [noun] a mutually advantageous conjunction of distinct elements.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Friday, May 18, 2007

Late nite music with warmth

Awesome cover of The Normal's (Daniel Miller) Warm Leatherette with Peter Murphy on vocals, Trent Reznor (looking like he's just come back from boot camp) on keyboard/vocals along with Jeordie White and some other bloke in makeshift studio with small audience.

Anticipating The Pirate Shirt Revival

Two great clips from the 20th Century Box. 1981. London's South End. Depeche Mode. Crocs. Disco Futurism. Pirate Shirts. Wish I could've been there...complicating, circulating, new life.

Dave Gahan and I shared a moment in the backstage dressing room bathroom @ the Warfield in San Francisco a couple years ago...I like that fact that he washed his hands really well.

On Naming Names

Sarkozy look-alike?

Arturo Sarukhan (Mexican Ambassador to U.S.)

Spending my Friday nite watching C-SPAN with the Mexican ambassador giving speech/q&a at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on trade, immigration, and security. Now what surprises me is first and foremost, the man's name, then his odd English-Aussie accent. Bizarre. I could be wrong but I don't think Sarukhan is a common Mexican name. Not even among our mestizo friends...So who is this guy? He is former General Consul of Mexico at New York City and more recently, Felipe Calderón's (New Mexican President) Int'l affairs policy coordinator during his campaign.

Mr. Sarukhan on Vicente Fox:
“That you had a Mexican president willing to stake and invest political capital in the relationship with the United States and that he has nothing to show for it puts everyone in a very tight spot in Mexico.”

I'm keepin' a eye on this se puede.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

High speed became go slow...

Courtesy Todd Roeth ART 256

It's nice to have favorites. I've had one song on repeat in my head for the past 3.4 weeks.

179 seconds of pure bliss. Camera Obscura's Before You Cry. That song is just special. And just whence you think it's over...the most beautiful feminine vocals appear like something that appears when you aren't expecting it to appear. Like the mythical sacred firebird...never mind. Someone find an illegal upload someplace and send me link...Sssh...don't talk.

Before You Cry

No sense no style
I said I loved you for a little while
When you cried no
High speed became go slow
Come back this time
Wishful thinking is going to make you mine
Push turns to shove
I got no more room for love

I hope you hear me
I can’t stand you next to me
Get lost goodbye
I’ll smile before you cry

I love you baby
Please don’t hate me
You’re feeling a little sad tonight but you’ll be alright

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

The Head Scratcher

"This is such an amazing idea - I had been looking to purchase a piece of unique art online and this 100% fits the bill."
Teresa Critien, UK
First it was that a-hole who sold celestial bodies in the heavens...then the kid who sold pixels on his single web this...

One Thousand Paintings [1000 Numbers = 1000 Paintings]. I can't believe I'm even giving this guy any more publicity.

One thousand numbers = one thousand paintings. All beautifully painted on canvas (approx. 12 x 12 x 1.5 inches). Each number is unique - the number and the demand define the price. An experiment of art & mathematics, on the web, the first of its kind.
The guy paints a number on a small canvas. Makes tens of thousands of dollars. I can sell my hair off my thighs. Each hair is unique and without doubtization, artistic.


Fun little java applet created by some bloke called Sala. Cheers. Simply add your the button and watch the app create a "tree" of your website. Hint: use a simple website (not yahoo!) for a clearer/larger image. Prnt Scrn the image to save. Check out the dedicated Flikr page with several website graphs/trees.

God bless the memory of Eazy E.

Monday, May 14, 2007

A Technology “First” for L.A.

Sweet, but why does it take over 20min for me to connect to the wireless network at my desk upstairs in the workroom?

LAPL Press Release:
A Technology “First” for L.A.: All City Libraries Now Offer Free Wireless Internet Service (Wi-Fi)

In a technology “first” for Los Angeles, people with laptop computers now have free wireless access to the Internet (“Wi-Fi”) and Web-based library resources at the Los Angeles Public Library’s Central Library and all 71 branches. The Library is the first City department to offer Wi-Fi in all its facilities.

With public demand for the Library’s 2200 computers at an all-time high, the library implemented Wi-Fi to provide greater and more convenient Internet access to the 15 million people who use the library annually.

“Transforming our libraries into Wi-Fi access points revolutionizes our ability to serve people,” says City Librarian Fontayne Holmes. “With Wi-Fi we’re providing computer access to far more people, without incurring the high cost of purchasing and maintaining additional equipment. Best of all, when people use their own laptops, more of our computers are available to patrons who must rely on library equipment for Internet access.”

Outfitting all 72 libraries citywide with Wi-Fi was accomplished without using City money, notes Holmes. Instead, the Library Foundation of Los Angeles, the non-profit organization that supports the Library, raised the necessary funds.

The program began in March 2004 as a pilot project in the Central Library’s Computer Center and was a success with the public. The Library then began an ambitious expansion of the service to all facilities. In Fall 2004, the Los Feliz Branch became the first branch to offer Wi-Fi service.

The Library completed the project by April 2007, with the inauguration of Wi-Fi at the final three branches: Felipe de Neve, Frances Howard Goldwyn-Hollywood Regional and Watts.

The Los Angeles Public Library serves the largest urban population of any library in the country. Its Central Library, 71 branch libraries, six million books and state-of-the-art technology provide everyone with free and easy access to information and the opportunity for life-long learning.
A few years back, the LAPL contracted the private Milwaukee, WI based wireless tech firm Ethostream LLC, (owned today by Telkonet TKO) who mainly provided wireless services for the hospitality industry. I must admit, I don't know much about how the city contracts/outsources such services, or how/why someone in tech infrastructure support decided to go with Ethostream. When you first connect to the library's wireless network, you are re-directed to the Ethostream page where you have to agree to a disclaimer with rules/regulations of the public library. Now I have yet to try the hot spots at any other LAPL branch, but ours is limited to interior of the building...although we occasionally see folks leaning up against our windows/walls outside with laptop in hand. The signal doesn't even reach the parking lot.

From Ethostream press release, Aug. 2005:
EthoStream Expands Library Project

Milwaukee, WI – August 12, 2005 - The growth of WiFi in libraries was expanded today with EthoStream’s installation of the EthoStream Library Solution into the first 10 locations of the Los Angeles Public Libraries. With the Internet becoming a fact of life in more and more daily activities, a high-speed Internet connection is a necessity. The Los Angeles Public Libraries has recognized this and has named EthoStream as its provider of choice for its high-speed Internet access (HSIA).

Los Angeles Public Libraries has chosen EthoStream’s Library Solution for its integrated EthoStream Control Center (ECC). The Control Center will allow Los Angeles Public Libraries management to monitor and report on every aspect of the HSIA installed in the library. The ECC also allows management of the HSIA such as defining hours of activation or bandwidth management.

EthoStream’s Library Solution and integrated Control Center also allows for additional communication services to be added. Such features as Digital Video Recording, IP Video Surveillance and numerous others set the EthoStream Library Solution apart from other products. The Control Center provides the ability to remotely manage all of these features creating greater value and reducing costs for libraries.

More and more organizations are realizing the need for HSIA. Doctor’s offices, restaurants, parks and marinas have all found that customers perceive greater value and greater benefit from locations that allow them to be more efficient. Hotels and gas stations such as Hiltons and Flying J have been able to attract new customers purely through sharing their Internet connection. From business to recreation, people carry a number of devices each day that benefit from this new technology.

James VanGerpen of the Los Angeles Public Libraries states, “EthoStream’s Control Center allows me to be more productive each and every day.” “This is the same reason that more and more libraries choose EthoStream’s Library Solution to provide HSIA to library patrons, “ states EthoStream’s Jason Tienor. “We find that an increasingly large and growing number of libraries wish to add this new benefit and are searching for the most efficient and secure manner of doing so.” EthoStream’s current customers include the Waukesha Federated Library System, the Scottsdale Public Library System, the LA Public Libraries and many more.
The library department's Technology Infrastructure Support budget was less than $21K for 2006. Not so sweet.

Entourage Lament part deux

They did introduce a light-skinned black girl in the last episode...

From the good people @ LAist:

Last year the "Entourage" film crew spent a Friday in our Variety offices, filming a scene for the show in which Johnny Drama (Kevin Dillon) confronts a Variety reviewer (loosely based on our own Brian Lowry) after getting a bad review. [...] Brian wrote about the whole experience in a Variety column:
Because the glitz-filled "Entourage" has a certain hipster image to uphold, the producers populated the newsroom with extras, ensuring that Fake Variety's staff was more attractive, stylish and younger than Real Variety. A few of us actual journalists observing this alternate reality felt a bit like Woody Allen in "Stardust Memories," wondering how we wound up on the ugly train.

In the scene, Drama -- so vulnerable the possibility of negative reviews causes near-paralysis -- bursts in and berates the critic as a "sad little fat hack fuck." Technically, just two of those adjectives are accurate.

Variety's Fake TV Critic dresses shabbily and wears glasses denoting years of solitary TV viewing (definitely true), eats lunch at his desk (occasionally true), acts unfazed by someone barging in to personally lambaste him (mercifully untrue) and has his own assistant (so untrue the Real Critic is still laughing his ass off)...

Anyway, there's plenty of excitement around Variety about "Entourage's" encore, perhaps because it's so nice to see the place temporarily adorned in prom-night finery -- even if it's as realistic as a newspaper, circa 2007, whose budget provides an assistant for critics.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Entourage Lament (We Got Got.)

Lloyd (Ari's queen assistant) being the exception, the 3rd season of Entourage has been lackluster to say the least. Lackluster...a word I never use. Why I just used it now I know not. You know how hard it is to converse/relate to old White women all day? Shit, I'm like 4 different mario van peoples in the course of one day. In any case, a few weeks back I says to myself, self--give it a few more weeks before complete bandwagon abandonment. Like my guidance counselor in high school said to me about college--give it four years, if you don't like it you can always find a job. So four episodes into it, I'm totally flabbergasted. Wow, another word I never use. Dumbfounded even. Man, I've been spending way too much time with the old White ladies...What the hell happened to this show? I honestly don't care to watch next weeks episode...okay, I probably will...what the hell else am I going to watch?

To be fair, the show still works on many levels--likeable characters, warmth, humor, and the first two seasons were hella fun (yo), but it seems the shows writers got lazy this season. Even the acting seems un-natural--contrived, as if everyone is trying too hard to play their respective roles. Then I started noticing other things about the show I hadn't really realized in the for starters, there is very little continuity between one episode and the next. We still don't know how the boys hooked up with their new (ex) agent. Or who the hell she is. And what happened to Vince's publicist?! She disappeared this season, yet her name is in the credits. Our star on the show, Vince does one movie every two years it seems. Some famous Hollywood celebrity he is. The show has become predictable. Why are there so few minorities depicted in the show?! No Latinos, Persians, Koreans, Armenians...this isn't the L.A. I know. How about a light skinned Black girl? Come on now! Or, to be really hip, throw in an Indian extra or two--hell, Indians are in every god forsaken commercial these days. Point: In the last episode, the boys went the track (horse racing) to bet on the ponies--every other booth in the scene was filled with hot girls--blondes--wtf?! I've been to the track, there are no hot girls at the race track. Come on now! Old weird white men and short, chain-smoking, middle-aged Asian men (gambling addicts) is what I see. Hell, it wasn't shot even in L.A., it was filmed at the track/fairgrounds in Del Mar (San Diego). In fact every single scene is filled with young, stylish, sexy hipsters--aah, Los Angeles, I totally want to live there. Why is every other scene on the same two streets in Beverly Hills? Why the hell doesn't Vince work out? He's a total wimp. The plot lines for the shows today are about as thick as Jack and the girls trying to hide a kitten from Mr. Furley in season four of Three's Company. The show has gone way too feminine. Above all, why won't they show ass anymore? Season three = ass free. Entire episodes run like 19minutes. One has to wait like 18 months or something for the next season...hell we've only got like 3 more episodes left of season three--then wait 'til next year for a new episode. Come on now! And no Lloyd in the last two episodes. I a wise Black man once said, get mad if you want, I won't front, cuz I got a new tape and it's full of funk--wait, that makes absolutely no sense, but it's been in my head all day, and really that is the beauty of having a blog no one reads.

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