Confessions of an extraordinary Library Clerk. 351.3LIB L6975

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

pRice Gouging...

Fancy rice cooker. Sans rice.

One single isle at the local Persian/Armenian/Kosher/Lebanese/Arab/South Asian produce market in the Valley was nearly empty yesterday. Rationing. Commodity Speculators. Bio-Fuel. Drought. Exports bans. Protectionism. Hoarding. Greed. Sushi rolls. Fried Rice. Risotto. Gumbo. Rice and beans. Not the rice and beans! What the hell am I supposed to do without rice?! I'm gonna start rollin' up on those "Your Name On a Grain Of Rice" artists--and be like...brace yourself sucka! Brace yourself! What? It's break yo'self! Break yo'self?! That doesn't make any sense. How can I break myself? I can totally brace myself. But Break?! Nevermind that...this is a serious issue--how hard is it to grow rice? Cultivate, farm, pick. Seems like a lot of work...we're all doomed! Maybe I can make some cash with "Blame Corn" or "No Corn for Oil" t-shirts...

Some links.

Rice Shortages @ Wiki
Rice Shortages News (Google)
Understadning Global Rice Crisis

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Los Angeles, California, United States
Libary Clerk extraordinaire.