Confessions of an extraordinary Library Clerk. 351.3LIB L6975

Monday, March 31, 2008

Feliz Dia del César Chávez!

We got the day off! Yea! Read my post from last year on Sir Julio. Every year our White friends are shocked about the State holiday. Que!? I did my part and ate some grapes. Now if only the farm workers today had the day off...

Monday, March 3, 2008

Freedom Cookies?

Has it been over a month since I last posted?! As if anyone other than the list-makers care? We're all on some list...what's your score?

"Would you like to buy a box for the troops overseas?" F*@k!

Every year I buy Girl Scout cookies, this was the first time I've been put in such a frightening predicament. They were all staring, waiting for an answer--three bright-eyed girls and the older woman (there's always an older woman. Mom? Guide leader?). Almost as earth-shattering as hearing the words, "I'm pregnant" for a guy. Great dilemma--do I send a box of cookies to the Marines liberating Iraq? Why not to the children of Iraq I thought. Or to the homeless for that matter. But if I say no, I support the evil-doers. In the end my slightly above-average IQ flickered on and I got out of it by smiling and bumbling--Oh, I want to eat the cookies myself! Hehe. Lies. Lies. I gave the four boxes away to my nephews & bro-in-law. No intention of eating them myself. Them cookies is deadly. Remind me to send a box or two when the war ends. This was outside a Wal-Mart in glamorous Poway, CA. I can't think of any activity more American than shopping at Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart is as American as...well, crack cocaine. Pristine American business model that Wal-Mart has. Coincidentally I recall conservative writer and all-around funny man, Dinesh D'Souza responding to a college student's question--how do I know when I've become a real American? Dinesh quipped--When you vote Republican! Now that's just plain silly--it's when you enjoy shopping at Wal-Mart. Always.'s Buy Low. Live Better or something...

And who/what exactly are the Girl Scouts? And why cookies? Why not hummus or tamales or potstickers or medjool dates?! I would so buy medjool dates. But it's always the cookies. Every year. Mix it up a bit ladies. Come on now.

Overdue Media - Unshelved

Book Stamper

Book Stamper
Futter Mein Ego.

About Me

Los Angeles, California, United States
Libary Clerk extraordinaire.