Confessions of an extraordinary Library Clerk. 351.3LIB L6975

Saturday, May 5, 2007

Entourage Lament (We Got Got.)

Lloyd (Ari's queen assistant) being the exception, the 3rd season of Entourage has been lackluster to say the least. Lackluster...a word I never use. Why I just used it now I know not. You know how hard it is to converse/relate to old White women all day? Shit, I'm like 4 different mario van peoples in the course of one day. In any case, a few weeks back I says to myself, self--give it a few more weeks before complete bandwagon abandonment. Like my guidance counselor in high school said to me about college--give it four years, if you don't like it you can always find a job. So four episodes into it, I'm totally flabbergasted. Wow, another word I never use. Dumbfounded even. Man, I've been spending way too much time with the old White ladies...What the hell happened to this show? I honestly don't care to watch next weeks episode...okay, I probably will...what the hell else am I going to watch?

To be fair, the show still works on many levels--likeable characters, warmth, humor, and the first two seasons were hella fun (yo), but it seems the shows writers got lazy this season. Even the acting seems un-natural--contrived, as if everyone is trying too hard to play their respective roles. Then I started noticing other things about the show I hadn't really realized in the for starters, there is very little continuity between one episode and the next. We still don't know how the boys hooked up with their new (ex) agent. Or who the hell she is. And what happened to Vince's publicist?! She disappeared this season, yet her name is in the credits. Our star on the show, Vince does one movie every two years it seems. Some famous Hollywood celebrity he is. The show has become predictable. Why are there so few minorities depicted in the show?! No Latinos, Persians, Koreans, Armenians...this isn't the L.A. I know. How about a light skinned Black girl? Come on now! Or, to be really hip, throw in an Indian extra or two--hell, Indians are in every god forsaken commercial these days. Point: In the last episode, the boys went the track (horse racing) to bet on the ponies--every other booth in the scene was filled with hot girls--blondes--wtf?! I've been to the track, there are no hot girls at the race track. Come on now! Old weird white men and short, chain-smoking, middle-aged Asian men (gambling addicts) is what I see. Hell, it wasn't shot even in L.A., it was filmed at the track/fairgrounds in Del Mar (San Diego). In fact every single scene is filled with young, stylish, sexy hipsters--aah, Los Angeles, I totally want to live there. Why is every other scene on the same two streets in Beverly Hills? Why the hell doesn't Vince work out? He's a total wimp. The plot lines for the shows today are about as thick as Jack and the girls trying to hide a kitten from Mr. Furley in season four of Three's Company. The show has gone way too feminine. Above all, why won't they show ass anymore? Season three = ass free. Entire episodes run like 19minutes. One has to wait like 18 months or something for the next season...hell we've only got like 3 more episodes left of season three--then wait 'til next year for a new episode. Come on now! And no Lloyd in the last two episodes. I a wise Black man once said, get mad if you want, I won't front, cuz I got a new tape and it's full of funk--wait, that makes absolutely no sense, but it's been in my head all day, and really that is the beauty of having a blog no one reads.

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Los Angeles, California, United States
Libary Clerk extraordinaire.